
donderdag 22 oktober 2015

The Stanley Brothers and the Clinch Mountain Boys - Worried Man Blues

Worried Man Blues

Words by Woody Guthrie
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
It takes a worried man tossing a worried song,
I'm worried now but I won't be worried long!

Went across the river, I lay down to sleep;
Went across the river, I lay down to sleep,
When I woke up.had shackles on my feet!

Twenty one links of chain around my leg;
Twenty one links of chain around my leg;
And on each link.there's an initial of my name!

The train ride is twenty one coaches long;
Train I ride is twenty one coaches long;
And the gal I love . is on that train and gone!

Asked that judge what's gonna be fine;
Asked that judge what's gonna be fine;
Twenty one years on that rooky mountain line!

Twenty one years to pay my awful Crime!
Twenty one years to pay my awful crime!
Twenty one years! And I still got ninety Nine!

Parlez-Nous à Boire

Track: Parlez-Nous à Boire
Artist: The Balfa Brothers
Album: The Balfa Brothers Play Traditional Cajun Music: Vols. 1 & 2
Label: Swallow Records

This is a studio version of the wonderful track featured in the movie Southern Comfort. Unfortunately, as best I know, the complete movie soundtrack was never released, so if you want to hear it in all its glory you'll have to buy the DVD. It's a good movie and the soundtrack, produced by Ry Cooder, is excellent.

Here's Dewey Balfa describing his 1964 appearance at the Newport Folk Festival, the first time Cajun music had featured there -

"I had played in house dances, family gatherings, maybe a dance hall where you might have seen as many as two hundred people at once. In fact, I doubt I had ever seen two hundred people at once. And in Newport, there were seventeen thousand. Seventeen thousand people who wouldn't let us get off stage."

Parlez Nous a Boire
Words & music traditional

O, parlez - nous a boire,
Non pas de mariage,
Toujours en regretons,
Les jolis jours passes.
S'it a ti maris, avec une jolie fille,
Te tands de grand danger, mon cher,
lls vont a la voler.
O, parlez - nous a boire...
S'it a ti maris, avec une vilaine fille,
Te tands de grand danger, faudra,
Que tu fais ta vie avec.
S'it a ti maris, avec une fille bien fauvre,
Te tands de grand danger, faudra,
Travailler tout ta vie.

O, parlez - nous a boire...
S'it a ti maris, avec une fille qui a de quoi,
Te tands de grand danger, faudra,
Attraper des grandes rapproches.
Parlez - moi, mon grand bon - a - rien,
Tu ta gaspiller mon bien!
Parlez - moi, mon grand bon - a - rien,
Tu ta gaspiller mon bien!

dinsdag 6 oktober 2015

zaterdag 3 oktober 2015

Doorslaande Tongen

Cursusweekend Doorslaande Tongen van 20 t/m 22 november 2015 wordt alweer voor de 20e keer georganiseerd door de Stichting Volksmuziek Nederland. Het Doorslaande Tongen cursusweekeinde biedt een scala aan cursussen voor trekharmonica's en andere "doorslaande tong" instrumenten als mondharmonica, accordeon, concertina, harmonium etc. Nieuw dit jaar zijn workshops waar ook andere instrumenten en zangers welkom zijn. Alle workshops worden gegeven door bevlogen docenten, die hun sporen ruimschoots verdiend hebben, kundig zijn op hun instrument, in het overbrengen van stijlen en hun enthousiasme graag met u delen. YMCA de Glind wordt dat weekeinde een ontmoetingsplek voor muziekanten. Er wordt hard gestudeerd, gezellig getafeld, genoten van het spel van anderen, samengespeeld met anderen, reikhalzend uitgekeken naar het altijd spannende zaterdagavondprogramma, tot de vroege uren van de bar gebruikgemaakt, zondagmiddag voor elkaar gespeeld etcetera.

Een beknopt overzicht van de workshops:
  • Robert Tromp, De goeie oude eenrijer, Voor éénrijer harmonika C, niveau 2 en 3
  • Ad Kwakernaat, Historische Popmuziek op de trekharmonica, Voor trekharmonica in C-F, niveau 2
  • Mieke Smits, Klassiek op diatoniek, Trekharmonica tweerijer G-C, niveau 3
  • Geert Oude Weernink, Trekharmonica workshop Musica Italiana, Trekharmonica tweerijer C-F niveau 3
  • Servais Haanen, Ensemble workshop „minder is meer!“ ,Voor alle instrumenten met Doorslaande Tongen (trekharmonica C-F) niveau 3 en 4
  • Wim Nagtegaal, Cajunband, trekharmonica éénrijer in C, tweerijer met C-rij, viool, gitaar, bas(gitaar), 'tit fer, wasbord, zang, niveau 2 en 3
  • Irina Sarolea, Zoals ieder vogeltje gebekt is, Beginners op alle Doorslaande Tongeninstrumenten, niveau 1

Uitgebreidere informatie en inschrijfmogelijkheden vind u op: Inschrijven liefst zo spoedig mogelijk, maar uiterlijk 23 oktober. 
Wij stellen het zeer op prijs als dit met alle mogelijk belangstellenden ( leerlingen, clubleden etc. ) gedeeld wordt.

donderdag 17 september 2015

René staat op straat

René staat op straat. Hij speeelt diverse instrumenten en speelt wereldmuziek.
René komt naar Ameland.

dinsdag 1 september 2015

She moved thro' the fair

This is a tragic piece about lost love. This song was written in 1909 although the original pre-dates this. But a song collector and publisher named Herbert Hughes heard the melody while in County Donegal and approached the song writer Padric Colum with the last two lines of the song and asked him to write a version.

Sinéad left out some of the song. 
Usually the third verse is
"The people were saying no two were e´er wed,
But one has a sorrow that never was said,
And I smiled as she passed with her goods and her gear,
And that was the last that I saw of my dear."
and the last verse should start:
"last night she came to me, my dead love came in"
This is where the young man denies that he murdered his young love. 

In the last verse we hear the line, I dreamed last night my young love came in. The original line is, I dreamed last night that my dead love came in (implying she haunts him for what he done). 

The song has been used in several movies including Brave Heart.

Adieu sweet lovely Nancy

Adieu sweet lovely Nancy

Adieu sweet lovely Nancy

Adieu, sweet lovely Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
I'm a-going round the ocean, love, to seek for something new
Come change your ring with me, dear girl, come change your ring with me,
For it might be a token of true love while I am on the sea.

When I am far upon the sea, who knows not where I am
Kind letters I will write to you from every foreign land
The secrets of your heart, dear girl, are the best of my good will
So let my body be where it might, my heart is with you still.

There's a heavy storm arising, see how it comes around
While we poor sailors are on the sea, a-fighting for the crown
Our officer commanded us, and him we must obey
Expecting every moment all to get cast away.

There are tinkers, tailors, and shoemakers, lie snoring in their sleep
While we poor souls on the ocean wide are a-plowing through the deep
There's nothing to defend us, love, nor to keep us from the cold
On the ocean wide, where we must bide like jolly seamen bold.

But when the wars are over, there'll be peace on every shore
We will drink to our wives and our children, and the girls that we adore
We'll call for liquor merrily, and spend our money free
And when the money it is all gone, we'll boldly go to sea.

So adieu, sweet lovely Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
I'm a-going round the ocean, love, to seek for something new
Come change your ring with me, dear girl, come change your ring with me,
For it might be a token of true love while I am on the sea.

vrijdag 28 augustus 2015

Tønder Festival 2015

De enige trekharmonica die we op het Tønder Festival hebben kunnen scoren. Jamsessie in de Klein Dublin Bar op het Tønder Festival in Tønder Denemarken.

Tønder Festival, een prachtig festival voor folk muziek.

dinsdag 11 augustus 2015

Little Fishes tijdens de Eilandvijfdaagse

Little Fishes bij de Boerderij. Wandelaars en fietsers van de Eilandvijfdaagse passeren daar.
Gespeeld bij Paal 13 en bij De Boerderij in Ballum, terwijl de wandelaars en fietsers even uitpuffen en de lekkerste slagroomsoes van de Boerderij eten.
